Detect change in the forest canopy​.
Receive automatic alerts based on change​.
Detect change in the forest canopy​.
EASOS Forest Watch helps authorities to enforce forestry legislation and management practices to tackle the issue of deforestation. Using an automated process, the system monitors vast areas of forest and provides customised deforestation alerts to the user when changes to the tree canopy are detected. These alerts allow the user to investigate possible illegal logging activities and provide information on the location and extent of activities to support intervention.
Forest Watch helps tackle the issue of deforestation by offering monitoring and detection of a change in national forest resources on a monthly basis. In addition, it has the option for users to purchase more frequent and higher resolution satellite data to aid in the deployment of ground resources. EASOS Forest Watch utilises the latest satellite data available for regional and country level monitoring, including a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) component, which operates in all weather conditions, day, or night.
EASOS Forest Watch delivers the right intelligence at the right time to meet your specific forestry management challenges.
Forest Watch provides users with the ability to monitor changes within a forest area; from regional to country scale on a monthly basis. Changes in forest cover exceeding 0.02 hectares are detected and alerted to the users. EASOS helps users to detect general illegal logging, encroachment of agriculture, inappropriate extension of logging concessions into protected environments and more.
EASOS Forest Watch harnesses the power of satellite imagery to automatically monitor vast swathes of forest for protection purposes. It is designed to detect changes to the forest canopy and automatically notify the authorities of change. When combined with local knowledge of ongoing legal operations, protected landscapes, and other intelligence, it offers a cost-effective decision support system in the fight to maintain national areas of protected forests. In addition to the regional/country level coverage, EASOS provides users with the ability to target monitoring services to local level areas of interest and vulnerable sites.
Deforestation is a threat to the world’s forests. Every hour, hundreds of hectares of forest are lost globally. EASOS Forest Watch aims to help reduce deforestation by enabling timely interventions of illegal logging, providing actionable intelligence, and access to deforestation alerts. Ultimately, illegal logging negatively impacts legal logging activities through loss of employment, revenue, and opportunities for local communities.
EASOS Forest Watch is a state-of-the-art application which aims to reduce deforestation by enabling timely interventions of illegal logging, providing actionable intelligence and access to deforestation alerts. In addition to the significant environmental impact, illegal logging effects legal logging activities through loss of employment, revenue and opportunities for local communities.
EASOS Forest Watch enables:
Regional level detection and monitoring of logging activities across thousands of kilometres
Enforcement of forestry legislation and management practices
Authorities to protect the endangered species threatened by their diminishing habitat